You are written in the stars...

Cosmic Design

Artistic imagery and guidance through Astrology & Human Design.

Cosmic Snapshot

The Cosmic Snapshot is a glimpse of self as a divine creation based on the celestial energies present at your exact time of birth.

It is a one-page artistic compilation that gives you a brief overview of multiple aspects of your own unique design through various schools of astrology, numerology, gene keys, and human design.

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Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.

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Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.

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Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.

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Soluta postea epicuri cum ne, vide intellegebat est no, id duis suscipiantur eos.