Colors for the Soul

Color Analysis

Color Analysis for Individuals & Businesses ~ Utilizing colors from your own personal spectrum can enhance many areas of your life, utmost your confidence – adding an amplified radiance when presenting yourself to the world. 

A powerful bonus, is the ability to connect with these personal colors for a deeper healing through Color Therapy as well as to Empower your Professional Branding.

Color Analysis

This in-person offering includes finding your personal tones as well as an in-depth draping to determine undertones, contrast level, color temperature, and saturation level to find your Season and Sub-Season that most align with your unique color frequency.

You will receive:

-42 color Sub-Season Palette
-5-page PDF w/ 42 color Custom Palette
-Metals, Crystals, and Makeup recommendations
-Unharmonious Colors (what shades to avoid)
-Ideal Color Combinations for your Season
-Colors on Purpose (Your best color types and when to wear them for how you feel and the energy you want to create)
-Keychain with your Custom palette to take shopping

*This is a Two Appointment Service.
Your follow-up appointment will be scheduled during your first consultation and can be in person or via Zoom.


Professional Plus Analysis

An enhancement package for Business Professionals that creates prestige and empowerment in your Branding and Marketing experiences through color recommendations based on your personal color palette and color psychology – combined with your intention.

You will receive:

-42 color Sub-Season Palette
-5-page PDF w/ 42 color Custom Palette
-Metals, Crystals, and Makeup recommendations
-Unharmonious Colors (what shades to avoid)
-Ideal Color Combinations for your Season
-Colors on Purpose (Your best color types and when to wear them for how you feel and the energy you want to create)
-Keychain with your Custom palette to take shopping
BONUS: Empowered Branding Package

*This is a Two Appointment Service.
Your follow-up appointment will be scheduled during your first consultation and can be in person or via Zoom.


Professional Plus - Add-on

An enhancement package (Add-on) for Business Professionals that creates prestige and empowerment in your Branding and Marketing experiences through color recommendations based on your personal color palette and color psychology – combined with your intention.

For Previous Customers ONLY

-Empowered Branding Add-on

*This is a Virtual Service. Please contact directly to Purchase.


Virtual Color Analysis

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Coming Soon!!!

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