About Me & My Practice

Radiant Soul Shine

The foundational intention built into the creation of Radiant Soul Shine is to help each individual tap into their inner light and shine all of their radiance unto the world, aligning with their true purpose, as they were always meant to.

At Radiant Soul Shine, our mission is to empower individuals to awaken their own inner healer through supportive offerings which promote nervous system regulation, emotional support, and stress reduction. 

Through a harmonious blend of Color & Sound therapy, Transformational Meditation, Yoga Asana, Reiki, Essential Oils, Vocal Harmonics, Cosmic Design, and using Color with Intention – I aim to cultivate a deeper connection with self and the infinite cosmic energy which binds us.

Chevron amethyst crystal

Starfire Jones

Starfire is an experienced guide on the path to holistic well-being, drawing from her own journey of self-healing and resilience. Since triumphing over breast cancer in 2006, she has dedicated her life to empowering others through a fusion of healing modalities and intuitive wisdom.

With an emphasis on trauma-informed care and somatic awareness, Starfire offers a unique blend of heart-centered practices aimed at nurturing the body, mind, and soul. Her approach is characterized by a deep commitment to fostering radiant health and facilitating profound connections to one’s true self and life purpose.

Driven by a passion for helping individuals unlock their highest resonance of being, Starfire’s work transcends conventional boundaries, encompassing elements of self-discovery, transformation, and empowerment – through wonderment, creativity and play. 

Love & Blessings,